Friday, June 1, 2007

apple and oranges

so I thought I'd change the topic from apartment/roommates. I am in the market for a new laptop. I have been a lifelong PC user but i am strongly considering a change to a mac. For those that a mac, is this a wise idea?? And for med school purposes, will a mac suffice? And how is the quite the technophobe!



Lindsay said...

ok so ive always been a huge fan of macs - i think they are easier to use, better quality, no viruses, etc etc... the last one i had i got before my freshman year of college and it still works perfectly fine (5 years later).

macs also now have this program you can buy (called parallels) that literally runs Microsoft (XP, Vista, whatever you want). its hard to explain, but basically its like a PC and a mac all at once.

so any program or attachment, etc that you have trouble opening on a mac for some reason, you can open the program and run the computer as a pc (simultaneously as the mac is running).

i have no idea if this makes any sense to you, but go to an apple store and they can show you a demo. as for what temple recommends, im not sure. but my mac is coming with me =)

hope this helped!

Tamara said...

I concur. I am also a Mac addict and nothing would ever cause me to go back (I grew up on PC's) so I would say take Lindsay's advice and go to a store and see a demo.

And be open to change! Once you get used to it, it'll be the best choice you ever made!

Tsubame4182 said...

I been a window user all my life, thus can't really say anything about the qualities of macs. But for temple the requirement seems to be for compatibility issues with the software that runs USMLE shelf exams and their online stuff, so I am not sure if even the newer macs with the Intel processors would work. But I am sure if worst comes to worst you can use the computer labs on campus.

Hope that helps.

LuisGarcia said...

i have a macbook pro and it is great. i use bootcamp to run windows - basically the harddrive is split into two parts, one for mac, one for windows. it's great! the only trouble is that i just read on the temple website that they don't recommend macs because you can't use them for the USMLE testing programs they have, and they are weary about the macs that have windows on them saying they're not sure if it'll work. the site (go onto your admissions page and you can find all this info) also said that there will be a discount on dell's coming soon. anyways, hope that helps, if you have any questions about the mac email me