Monday, June 11, 2007

Greetings from Boston

Hey All,
I figure it is about time I introduce myself, so here goes: I'm Cari, I'm a 23 year old living in Boston right now. I went to Brandeis University and majored in Biology and Anthropology. I graduated in 2005, and I've been working at Mass General Hospital since then. I grew up in the Lehigh Valley, and am looking forward to moving back to the Keystone state and getting to know Philly and all of you better in August.
I've noticed I am hardly the only current Bostonian posting-would the rest of you Bostonians be interested in meeting up and grabbing a drink sometime before we all migrate down to Philly? I'm a fan of the Kinsale in Government center for its outdoor seating and central location... Shoot me an email at if you're interested.

1 comment:

Jason Andersen said...


I'm taking off really soon for the rest of June, but would definitely meet up in July to get the Boston crew together before we make our way to Philly. Keep me posted if a plan/date gets organized.
