Tuesday, May 22, 2007

i figure ive waited long enough...

hey -

my name's Lena...im also looking for a house/apt in center city, near art museum or rittenhouse area and im looking for roomates. i dont know if anyone would be interested in living in like a 4 or 5 person house...but im cool with that, boys and girls...but if not, im also looking into a two person place with just another girl. i just graduated from Rutgers in NJ and i live about an hour from philly so i can pretty much go in whenever. um...about me...i like just about every sport and im always down to go watch anything...especially hockey and football and especially philly teams. i also think im pretty laid back and...i dont really know what else to say but if any of you guys want to get a place, just email me at lwong@eden.rutgers.edu or get me by AIM at Aeroshorty. look forward to meeting you guys...happy tuesday.



David said...

Living in a 4 or 5 person house of med students would be awesome and yet oh so stressful. There are definitely some amazing places though at great prices if you can put people together. I'd be interested in seeing what you could put together. I work at Jefferson for the next 2 weeks, then I'm away for June and back in Philly starting July. Get me by facebook: David Berman

Tamara said...

I'm also interested. I'm coming from Boston and I'd love to be able to move into a place with other people so I won't feel so alone!

Feel free to contact me!
